If you're not on a board but need to sign a document as an external signer, don't worry. We have this functionality in Atlas.
To sign a document as an external guest, follow the steps:
- After receiving the email, click on "Review Document";
- Then, agree to the terms of use and click on "Proceed";
- Now, enter the Token that arrived on your mobile. You can request the Token by SMS*, WhatsApp or voice;
- Choose the type of your signature (Write, Draw, or Image);
- In the document, click on the signature icon, or on the button "SIGN ALL" at the bottom left side
- Click on "Finish Signing" at the top right side and confirm;
NOTE: The SMS option will only be available if the external subscriber has a CHIP from outside the country or uses roaming on the device.
For a better visualization and follow-up of the process, watch the following video:
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