Signing digitally is a simple and secure way to confirm your decision making and stay connected to the integrity of the documents and the authenticity of the signer's identity.
Remote access eliminates the need to print, transport, store and manage physical documents. This translates into saving time and money, in addition to being more environmentally sustainable.
And to sign digitally through Atlas, there are 3 things that are necessary for the process to go smoothly:
1- Have the PKI Web extension on your computer, specialized software that is capable of reading and confirming the cryptographic validation of your certificate, something that regular browsers, such as Google Chrome itself, cannot.
The first time you sign digitally through Atlas, the step-by-step guide on how to install this extension will appear, but if you have any questions, you can access this article: How to install the digital certificate extension?
2 – Have a digital certificate linked to a Certification Authority.
A Certification Authority is the institution that authenticates and accredits the identity of those who contract the digital certificate service.
3 - Check if your certificate is valid and installed correctly. Each certificate can be added to the machine in a different way, so it is important to consult internally or with the contracted certifier to understand the steps to follow.
If the certificate does not appear among the options when signing, it means that your installation was not done correctly or is not valid. You can rely on this link to check the validity of your certificate.
Oh, and if you are using an Apple computer to carry out the process and are having difficulties, I suggest you also try using other devices, since the latest generation Macbooks are not being designed to use digital certificates, making it difficult to carry out both using the atlas as by any other means.
Other articles that may help:
How to sign a document with digital signature?
How to digitally sign? - External Signers
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