The signature request will arrive by e-mail, but if you prefer you can search the solicitation on your Inbox, where all your pending is located.
The steps are:
- Click on the minute you want to sign;
- Confirm you read and agree to the terms and conditions;
- Select the green button called «Sign all» or click on the premises to sign manually one by one;
- In «More options» you can edit the type of letter of your signatura and rubric or reject the request and remember that when you reject the signature the minute is cancelled for all and you must justify the reason for the rejection;
- When you finish signing, click on «Finish signature», a green button located at the top right of your screen;
- For security, we will have a stage with second authentication factor, then a token will arrive to your cell phone that will have to be typed to be able to conclude that stage, you can request that code by Whatsapp or by voice.
Done! Your document was signed 😊
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