The digital signature is a more secure electronic signature format, in which files called digital certificates are used.
We use an international signature format, which means that people from other countries will be able to sign quietly with the digital certificate in their country.
In the case of Brazil, we use the E-CPF.
The signature request must be sent by e-mail, but if you prefer you can access your inbox where all the pending you have in the portal is located.
The step by step is:
- Click on the document you want to sign;
- Confirm that you read and agree with the terms and conditions;
- With the certificate extension already installed on your computer, the document will be opened, where you can choose to sign everything in one go by clicking «Sign All»
- Now you can select the certificate you will use and click on «Confirm Signature»;
- Allow the website to access your certificate and enter the pin and e-token, then you can click on «Ok»;
Done! Your document was signed :)
NOTE: You can accompany the signing process by going to the Signature summary.
When everyone has signed, the signed version of the minute, will be available.
For a better visualization and follow-up of the process, watch the following video:
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