To ensure that the form is successfully sent, see some points of attention below that will help in the creation stage.
Points of attention:
1. Set a deadline equal to or greater than the day of sending the form:
It is recommended that for the sending of the form, the response deadline, be equal to or greater than the day of sending.
If the form is with a day prior to sending, the form understands that it cannot be sent, since, the respondents will not be able to answer it.
2. Fill in all fields during form creation:
It is ideal that all fields of the form during creation are filled in, involving:
- Page Title; Can be found in: Sections
- Question Title; Can be found in Questions of: Free Response / Multiple Choice / Classification
- Option name; Can be found in Questions of: Multiple Choice
- Marker; Can be found in Questions of: Classification
With all these fields filled in, you can proceed with the best form of submission!
Following the steps above, it will ensure that your form has been created and is ready for the collection of responses 😊
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