The Permission manager is a feature intended to help administrators to add users in locations where they do not have access.
To clarify, I will leave here two examples of when we can use this resource:
Example 1: A Board has only one owner and this user no longer works in the company. Besides, he didn’t add anyone as an owner before he left. Now the administrator can add a new user to manage the Board via the permission manager screen.
Example 2: When it is necessary to allow a participant to see the meeting history. It is now possible to do it in mass.
Now that you have seen the examples of when to use it, we will see how to use it:
- Click on your photo, in the upper right corner of your screen;
- Go to «Administration»
- Select the button «Permission Manager»;
- Click the green button «Grant Permissions» and choose which place you want to arrange this access; Meeting, Board or Project;
- Now you can make filters to facilitate the process;
- Give a «Check» in the table below, where you want to add this member;
- In the right corner of the screen, you can choose which permission to give to the user: Viewer, Ownership or Participant,
- After your choices, just grant permissions, finish the action and write the token that will be generated on the cell phone registered in Atlas.
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